Friday, January 22, 2010

Counting Down

Amy is officially 34 weeks today, which means that we have only five more weeks to go until the scheduled c-section date. We are pretty excited, but not as excited as Garrett. He has been bringing us so many new baby/big brother books to read lately (thank you to Eva and Kerry for giving them to us). Amy had a doctor's appointment on January 18 and we decided to bring Garrett along for two reasons. First, because of the new rule in place at the hospital of no visitor's under the age of 18 and second, if he is allowed to come visit (fingers crossed) he will feel more comfortable with mommy being in the hospital. Oh yes, Garrett was excited because he was able to hear Sean's heartbeat.

We are so blessed that Garrett is excited about Sean's arrival and ready to be a big brother. We know he is an excellent playmate with Camryn, but to have seen how sweet he is with Sophie, and even Mackenzie (Kerry's daughter) it is just reassuring that the timing is right. We are thrilled to meet this little guy who hopefully will look like his big brother, because we did such a good job creating such a beautiful Garrett. Garrett and Amy have predicted that Sean will have brown eyes like Chris. Not too much longer .....

1 comment:

Our Family said...

what a sweet post. You did a great job in creating Garrett. I think it is fantastic that you took him to your appointment. Sara loved to go, each time she saw the babies on the screen and it made her laugh.